1.) Who are you and where do you live?
Me Samir Mondal. Live in Mumbai the most popular city of India.

2.) What did you do before you decided to become an artist?
After schooling I studied art in a reputed Art College and wanted to become an artist.

3.) When and why did you decide you devote to the art?
I was born near a river, a river bank in a rural village in West Bengal in India. Water was an integral part of my life. If you are born near a river you should sing or paint.

4.) What is your favoriteSubject (s) and design media?
As I am working for more than forty years after Art College, many subjects came in different phases (Please visit my website). I am always inspired from my surroundings and circumstances.
I am determined and dedicated to the medium Watercolour. Watercolour is my tool or weapon to express.

5.) Where or how to find inspiration?
My works are a juxtaposition of objects and visuals which cannot be related individually, but together they represent the complexity of our modern society.

6.) What do you like about your work?
The vibrant colours and the unpredictability of the medium.  Every time I fail, I get a new knowledge.

7.) Which artist or art movement that has influenced you and what way?
I am surely influenced by my Art Teacher Mr Gopal Ghosh of Government college of Art in Calcutta for his compositions and colours. For Art movement it may be Impressionism and Fauvism.
The spontaneity and the colour play is the game.

8.) What are the best answers that you have received for your work?
My viewers are mostly ready for a second look to my Art. Work with watercolour is always a meditative mood I feel. Watercolour is a very powerful and interactive medium. When I work I feel at peace in a sort of meditative trance. I enjoy the melody that the medium plays out; arrays of tones, the mixing and merging; all have a sort of magical and spiritual feel to it.

9.) What are your favorite art and artists?
Many. List is long.

10.) What advice would you give to other artists?
Do whatever you like, don’t be afraid.

11.) Is there a question which do you imagine itself again and again?
The only question: ‘Why I paint?’



Exclusive Interview by PAINTERSPOT ® – ART-LIGHTS – All work is copyright and protected by ©™ Samir Mondal

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