INTERVIEW WITH ARTIST> Mike Mainbird (Germany)


1.) Who are you and where do you live?
Mike Mainbird living and working as an artist – designer – multimedia publisher – art-director by PAINTERSPOT, near Munich in South-Bavaria (Germany).

2.) What did you do before you decided to become an artist?
Through various trainings and activities in design and creative professionals in my life, I’ve always had contact and thereby access to design, art and music.

3.) When and why did you decide you devote to the art?
Even as a child and teenager was interest in art and painting.We also held photography and video, multimedia publishing.
I see art as a “Battleship game” because there are really only two answers – yes or no – Either you like it or not!
It`s makes me fun and joy to create something about which one can think and let fall yourself.

4.) What is your favoriteSubject (s) and design media?
My favorite subjects are the “signs of life” and the “history of the world” as I call them.
As a design medium for my work I use mostly wood and canvas with acrylic and oil paints, but here I am free, and it may also happen that are also atypical materials use.

5.) Where or how to find inspiration?
Inspiration to my work I find in nature and in the “new media” this time. But only those who look really find something.

6.) What do you like about your work?
I can put what I like and when.

7.) Which artist or art movement that has influenced you and what way?
Actually, no – … ..jedoch the time of Pop Art I loved as a teenager.

8.) What are the best answers that you have received for your work?
Your images and artworks have made me very emotional and thoughtful.

9.) What are your favorite art and artists?
There are some, however, all have a different style and technique. Unfortunately, many are already gone.

10.) What advice would you give to other artists?
Just do what one pleases themselves, and do not let anyone tell others of something.

11.) Is there a question which do you imagine itself again and again?
Yes – He that believeth already knowing what is considered tomorrow or in the future as art.



Exclusive Interview by PAINTERSPOT ® – ART-LIGHTS – All work is copyright and protected by ©™ Mike Mainbird


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